Saturday, December 22, 2018

Be kind to yourself and others this holiday season

The holidays are upon us again, bringing fun, family, stress, and sometimes the desire to crawl into bed until it is all over. Holidays can feel heavy with expectations: expectations to participate, to spend gobs of money, and to smile all the while. Unfortunately, sometimes this is just too much to ask.

This holiday season be mindful to only do what you can and what feels right. If family time feels negative, it's okay not to go. I would have thought we would have arrived at a time when families would no longer reject their LGBTQ+ members, but I would be wrong. If your family doesn't accept you or your partners(s), then they don't get the pleasure of your company. Please hold no guilt for this. Spend time with folks who make you feel good, and maintain boundaries with those who do not.

Spend what you can afford, and don't feel guilty if you think you should spend more. You shouldn't. For many people debt is already a concern; don't make it worse this holiday. Give what you can, and what you can't do with money do with love and time spent. Those are far more valuable than cash, and will last so much longer.

Do allow yourself to enjoy the things that come with the holidays. Over Thanksgiving I ate way more than I should have, but you know what? It didn't matter. Yeah, if I ate that way on a regular basis it wouldn't be good, but I adore holiday cooking and it only happens a couple times a year so I am going to take advantage of it. You do the same.

Be mindful of friends who may be going through extra hardships during this time. Death, job loss, sickness, all seem so much worse during the holidays. If those you know are struggling with these things, give them some extra love.

Do surround yourself with those you love. Family (blood or chosen), friends, and of course all of the critters who make our lives more wonderful. I think Christmas is about love more than anything (not food, not presents, not money). Love fully this holiday season, and please, include yourself in that love.

If you are struggling with hardships, please reach out to family, friends, or even a therapist. Please don't try to go it alone.