No one ever said being a parent was easy. But when someone comes out to their family as transgender, parents may have no idea where to turn. Knowing they face unique challenges, I started a support group for parents and families of transgender individuals, TransParents. It meets once a month, usually the third Sunday of the month, at 2 pm CST. Originally it met at OutMemphis, the local LGBT community center, but since the Covid-19 outbreak, it has met online via Zoom. While I am present to answer questions and provide guidance when warranted, my primary goal is for it to be a place where families can support each other, can know that there are other folks dealing with the same challenges they are. While attendance has been smallish (usually 3-6 attendees a meeting) I think it has provided a safe space for parents and other family members to connect and know that they are not alone.
Up until now, the group has served the Memphis/Tri-Cities area. After recent discussion, we've become aware that now that we are meeting via Zoom, the group could be made available to individuals who aren't local. If you or someone you know is interested in the group, contact me at and we will get you connected. Being a parent is hard; you shouldn't have to do it alone.