I cringe a little bit each time I see something about how mental illness is the most important fact involved in mass shootings. I've never met the individuals who did it, so I certainly can't comment on their mental health. It is true that mental illness is not addressed in this country as it should be. Stigma makes it extremely hard for some folks to even consider services, and finances are a significant barrier to many. Insurance provides some coverage for some people, but reimbursement to providers (how much money they pay me) is dismal. I don't know what the solution is, but mental health services need to be severely revamped in this country. But back to what I was trying to say...
Some or most/all of the shooters might have had mental illness. It could be part of what led them to do the atrocious acts they did. However, mental illness IS NOT why they did it. Each and every one of them made a conscious decision to carry guns into a school or other locale and open fire, presumably killing as many as they could. I don't know why they did it, but they each made the decision to do it. Blaming mental illness in effect takes the responsibility away from them and places it on something that millions of people have who don't shoot up schools. It sounds to me like an easy attempt at an excuse.
I don't know what the solution is to reduce/eliminate mass shootings in this country. I also don't know how to create the mental health reform we need. I do know that the blame for their actions rests solidly on them (maybe shared by their parents, I don't know). I want to mention that I am purposefully avoiding to go into gun reform; I don't think this in the place for it. Mental illness does create significant struggles for millions of people. It does not shoot up schools.