Saturday, October 14, 2017

Happy Coming Out Day! Or is it?

Recently we had National Coming Out Day, which is held annually on October 11. For folks just coming out it can serve as momentum for doing perhaps the most exciting (and scary) thing in their life. For those of us who have been out for a while, it's a day when we can reaffirm our sexuality and maybe joke about how, dang it, I don't get to come out anymore because everyone already knows.

However, for those who aren't out for fear of losing their family, friends, jobs, housing, children, lives, it can be a day that serves as a reminder that they have to continue to live a lie, one which ultimately is deleterious to their health.

If you are an LGBTQA (sexual/gender minority) child or adolescent who is stuck in the closet, please know that it will get better. There will come a time when you will be in a position to come out, even if your family will not support it. If you are an adult who feels stuck, please find ways to come out, even if it isn't in every aspect of your life. Sometimes we have to choose our families when our family of origin doesn't support us. While this is horribly unfortunate, if your family doesn't value you for who you are, please know that there are many folks who will be happy to be your chosen family, and give you the support you need to be your true self. Please don't hide your true colors, we need you in this crazy, sometimes confusing and scary, but ultimately fulfilling world of sexual and gender minorities. Please reach out to me if you want some therapeutic support in being your authentic self.

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