Sunday, July 14, 2019

Meet my Therapy Animals

I work from home, and I have four cats and a dog. This means that various animals are typically present during sessions. Before the introductions, let me clarify one thing. Recently we have been hearing about service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support pets. I use the term "therapy animal" to describe my critters, because they do participate in therapy sessions. It is also true that they are providing emotional support, but none have been trained or specially designated as emotional support pets or service pets. They simply hang out during sessions and often interact with the clients. Because I am doing this in my home, there isn't any specific training or certification required. That having been said, let's meet the critters!

Nimbus was the original therapy cat. Starting the very first session I did at the house, he was there and providing support. He seems to have instincts around it that make him the perfect therapy cat. He generally positions himself close to the client so they can interact with him if they want, but if they don't he just naps. Often if a client becomes emotional he will move closer to them and reach out his paw to touch them, letting them know he is there if they want him. He is 10 years old now, and has been doing this work for the last three years.

Dobby was the second therapy cat. We got him as a kitten in April 2017, and he took to it immediately. He doesn't seem to have quite the instinct that Nimbus has, but is still quite good at interacting with clients in positive ways. He is now two years old and has been a therapy cat his whole life.

Darth Cola was the third therapy cat to join the group, but he didn't do so immediately. I worked from home for at least a year before he started hanging out in sessions and interacting with clients. Even now he often sits on his chair a little separate from the client, but he sometimes will move so he can give a little love. Cola is six years old now and has been working about a year and a half.

StormTrooper is the surprise addition to the therapy cat group. He has always been a pretty skittish guy, and up until this past April wouldn't spend any time in the room if a session was in progress. Then quite suddenly and without any explanation he started spending time in the therapy room, and will sometimes interact with clients (more often with me I guess). I don't know what happened that he suddenly decided to be a part of it, but I am glad that he did. He is currently eight years old.

Hiestand's Sir Gandalf the Wise and Fluffy is the newest member of the therapy animal corp. He got him this past April and he has been in every single session since. His goal in life is to be a companion animal so he is perfect for the part. Currently he still does spend more time with me than with the clients (maybe I need some therapy pet love too), but he seems to be spending more and more life with the clients as he becomes more adjusted to the whole process. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and is seven months old.

In Memoriam: Norah was the original therapy dog, and worked hard from summer 2016 to August 2018. She was a wonderfully friendly companion and very good therapy dog, and will forever be missed.

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