Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hypnotherapy is Here!

I am happy to announce that I am now offering hypnotherapy as one of my treatment modalities. At this time I will be using it to address a number of concerns including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and trauma.

Hypnotherapy is a very safe and effective treatment modality. At no time during the process will the client be told anything that we haven't previously discussed; I do understand that it is a concept that some people may be somewhat uncomfortable with. Many people never lose complete awareness while they are in trance, while some do. Speaking of trance, we all go into trance on our own on a likely frequent basis. When we are day-dreaming we are in a trance. If we're really focused on a book we're in a trance. Trance is really nothing more than extremely focused attention. Often in entertainment it was demonstrated by having the individual watch a clock swinging back and forth. While most folks don't do it that way anymore, it certainly is one way to get there. It works by having the person focus so intently on the swinging clock that they go into a trance. I don't do it this way, but it is real.

When we are in a trance we can access our subconscious, which is the point of hypnotherapy. We can get to the parts of our minds that control us without us even realizing it, and make changes in beliefs that have been keeping us stuck. As I mentioned previously, it is very safe, and I believe it will greatly enhance my work. I am a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy, which is where I've gotten my training. If you have questions about this opportunity feel free to reach out. Perhaps it could be helpful to you in some way.

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