Sunday, January 29, 2017

Meet Nimbus the therapy cat

Meet Nimbus the therapy cat! I've always known Nimbus was a really sweet guy, but I had no idea he is the perfect therapy cat until I started doing sessions with him around. He's the perfect therapy animal because he makes himself available if folks want to pet him, but he doesn't demand it. During a session he typically sits on a footstool within easy reach of the client. If they want to pet him he's perfectly happy to oblige them, but if they don't want to then he just naps. Sometimes instead he sleeps near them on the couch, where he can be petted but it isn't a requirement.
What has sealed it for him being a therapy cat, though, is his reaction when a client becomes upset (sad). When this happens, he often moves so that he is on the couch and lies down up against the client's leg. He still doesn't ask to be petted, but he seems to want to offer comfort in physical contact.
These behaviors weren't trained, he's just hard-wired this way. So many clients have said what a benefit it is having him around during sessions. He contributes significantly to my work, and I'm really grateful to have him as my assistant.

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