Monday, February 20, 2017

Pets make us happier!

Prescription: Pet your cat and call me in the morning.

Just like me, many of you have and love pets. We love our pets for lots of different reasons, but one thing that has been consistently demonstrated through research is that folks with pets tend to have better mental health. This is true for people struggling with mental illness, as well as folks who aren't. Across the board, pets make us happier.

These benefits come about in a number of ways. Having pets may increase our activity levels, which is a good thing. Caring for pets reduces anxiety; just sitting and petting a cat or dog (or any other pet you might prefer) reduces the experience of stress. Pets give us something to focus on outside of ourselves, and can actually give more purpose to our lives. They are a great source of physical contact and companionship, which decreases loneliness and depression. Finally, they are absolutely adorable and can be quite entertaining!

I use cats and a dog during my therapy sessions, and virtually all of the folks have commented on how much it helps to have them there. I know my pets have been a part of my own coping with depression throughout my life. Pets are now being used as therapy animals and emotional support animals, including being allowed in some college dormitories. The benefits are significant and firmly rooted in research. So all of you pet owners, go thank your animal companions for improving your mental health!

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