Friday, April 14, 2017

When did we invent gender identities?

I found this quote on Facebook. Lately we've been hearing about all of the "new" gender identities, as if we are suddenly creating all of them. Fact is, they've existed since we've existed, but it's only now that we are recognizing that gender is more than man/woman or even trans/cis. At this point there are quite a few gender identities that are being used, and sometimes I get a little confused trying to understand exactly how an identity is different from all of the others.

The diagram above shows some of the most common ones, but there are lots of others. I'm not going to try to explain them all here, but I did want to share the initial quote and give a bit of an explanation. I do think it is important to acknowledge that gender is (and has always been) so much broader than was recognized; now we just have the language to describe it.

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